Art As An Outlet

Art comes in all different shapes,colors and sizes. Some have a deeper meaning while others are just meant to be appealing to the eye. Art can be an amazing emotional outlet. For some it is a way to connect as well as express their feelings or a way to let unwanted feelings go and is a good alternate option for those who do not wish to go to therapy of talk about their feelings out loud and or to others. Paitents in psychwards in America have access to art suplies and the art portrays what mental illnesses they are suffering from

Why Choose Art?

Art doesnt have to meet specific requirements, there are many different types of art and most are accesible. Some use art as a way to release anger by scribbling on paper of throwing paint at a canvas. Art is a good and healthy alternative for anyone. Art can also be very personal to those who make it which can definitley be seen in the art piece.